Bad Bitch

It is a term with a very storied past…

But in today’s world, it’s a fucking badge of honor!

We’ve seen it evolve from a derogatory label to an emblem of empowerment.

Let's dive into what it means to embrace that Bad Bitch energy in your business life, especially if you’re a financial advisor or entrepreneur feeling overwhelmed.

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The Evolution of Bad Bitch

The term Bitch alone has a long, complicated history.

For centuries, it was used to belittle and control women, especially those who defied societal norms. During revolutionary periods, strong, outspoken ancestors were often labeled "bitches" as a way to undermine their efforts and maintain patriarchal control.

Feminists in the 1970s began reclaiming Bitch to signal confidence and change.

At the same time, the term Bad Bitch was rising to exploit Black women in film and music.

The perception of Bad Bitch, and by extension the term Bitch itself, started to shift dramatically in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Both terms were emerging prominently in the music and entertainment industries.

Female rappers and hip-hop artists played a crucial role in this evolution.

They redefined the Bad Bitch as a woman who embodies confidence, intelligence, and success. These artists used their platforms to showcase women who are not only powerful and in control but also authentically themselves. This new portrayal was about celebrating achievements, owning one's worth, and breaking free from the constraints of traditional gender roles.

The transformation into Bad Bitch marked a significant cultural beginning.

It allowed women to embrace qualities that had previously been criticized or suppressed.

A Bad Bitch is now seen as a powerful figure who navigates the world with assurance and authority. She is celebrated for her intelligence, her ability to succeed on her own terms, and her unapologetic attitude towards life and business.

This evolution reflects broader deviation in societal attitudes towards women and power, highlighting a growing recognition of women's autonomy and strength.

Today, the term Bad Bitch is not just a label; it's a movement that empowers women to take charge of their lives and careers with confidence and pride.

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Characteristics of a Bad Bitch

Female rappers and hip-hop artists lyrically describe the Bad Bitch as we know her today:

  • Confident: She knows her worth and doesn’t need validation from others.

  • Intelligent: She’s sharp and savvy, whether it’s business strategies or personal growth.

  • Successful: She sets goals and crushes them.

  • Celebrates Herself: She’s not afraid to pat herself on the back.

  • A Powerful Boss: She’s in charge and leads with authority.

  • Well-Paid & Well-Invested: She understands money and makes it work for her.

  • Internally Calm & Collected: She handles stress with grace.

  • Recognizes Her Worth: She knows her value and doesn't settle for less.

  • Unapologetic in Her Boundaries, Choices, & Values: She stands firm in what she believes.

  • And Yes -- In Charge of Her Sexuality: She’s confident in every aspect of her life.

Bad Bitches are on a higher plane of existence.

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Bringing Bad Bitch Confidence into Your Business

Although being a Bad Bitch is unique in how each individual presents, there are some ways to help you align in your authentic existence. And because I am your Business Bad Bitch, here are some of my favorite tips, with a few thought-provoking questions thrown in for ya:


Set Clear Boundaries

Know your limits and communicate them effectively.

Don’t be afraid to say "no" to things that don’t align with your goals.

What boundaries do I need to set to protect my time and energy?



Prioritize Self-Care

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Ensure you’re taking care of your mental and physical health.

Incorporate routines that help you unwind and recharge.

What self-care practices can I incorporate into my daily routine to maintain my well-being?



Celebrate Small Wins

Recognize and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small.

This builds momentum and keeps you motivated.

How can I acknowledge and celebrate my progress to stay motivated?



Embrace Authenticity

Be true to yourself in all your business dealings.

Authenticity builds trust with clients and colleagues.

In what ways can I be more authentic in my interactions and business practices?



Invest in Yourself

Continuously seek opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Attend workshops, read books, and seek mentorship.

What new skill or knowledge can I acquire to advance my career and personal growth?



Overcome Imposter Syndrome & Self-Doubt

Challenge negative thoughts with affirmations.

Surround yourself with a supportive network.

What positive affirmations can I use to challenge my self-doubt and imposter syndrome?



Manage Overwhelm & Burnout

Identify root causes and implement time management strategies.

Delegate tasks where possible.

What are the main sources of my overwhelm, and how can I manage them effectively?



Combat Perfectionism & People-Pleasing

Accept that perfection is unattainable.

Focus on progress and prioritize your own needs.

How can I shift my focus from perfection to progress and prioritize my own needs?



Master Self-Promotion

Learn to market yourself without coming off as pushy.

Share your successes and expertise in a way that feels natural.

How can I share my achievements and expertise in a way that feels genuine and natural?



Develop Your Authentic Brand

Define your mission and values clearly.

Build strong, consistent relationships with your clients and followers.

What are the core values of my brand, and how can I consistently communicate them?



Challenge Money Vigilance

Identify and change negative money beliefs.

Set clear financial goals and regularly adjust your plan.

What negative beliefs about money do I need to change to achieve my financial goals?


As a business coach and therapist in Portland, I love helping people uncover their Bad Bitch self.

Embracing your inner Bad Bitch in Business means owning your confidence, setting boundaries, and being unapologetically yourself. It’s about leading with strength, authenticity, and a touch of fierceness.

It is an ongoing process of growing and stepping into your shine.

We acknowledge and appreciate the progressive efforts of Bad Bitches before us, and we continue their reclamation work in the therapeutic journey together.


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