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Is Your Money Mindset Stunting Your Business Success?

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Money Status Got You Stunted?


Greetings dear entrepreneur.

Allow me to shed light on the influence of Money Status that resonates within you.

You possess remarkable strengths, as you believe that financial success brings not only personal status but also a sense of prestige and self-worth. This mindset fuels your aspirations and propels you forward. Embracing this ambition can open doors to opportunities and commendable achievements. You likely developed this through social and cultural influences, family expectations, and your own personal aspirations to attain a certain standing.

However, dear entrepreneur, be mindful of the challenges you may face. An excessive focus on money status can obstruct your growth. You could find yourself spending lavishly without a budget (or care in the world), misaligning your core values, and associating your self-worth with material possessions.

By redefining your definition of success, focusing on meaningful impact, and building a business that aligns with your values and long-term financial sustainability, you will forge a more symbiotic relationship with money. Your personal and professional life will reap the benefits of your healthier actions.

You are being called to prioritize financial stability and make decisions grounded in the reality of your business. You deserve to feel empowered beyond external validation and nurtured in your overall well-being. Engage in this transformative journey and witness the harmonious blend of success and fulfillment that awaits you.


Money scripts (a term coined by Dr. Brad Klontz) are long-held, sometimes unconscious, beliefs and attitudes about money that influence our behaviors and decisions - at work and home.

Developed from your history of experiences, cultural and social conditioning, and generational messaging, each money script has both the potential to help and harm your growth and success. Unhealthy money scripts are distorted or unbalanced, leading to poor financial management, underpricing, and excessive risk-taking without considering ethical implications or personal and professional well-being.

As an entrepreneur, it is critical to excavate your relationship with money so you can realign it with healthier perspectives. Only then will your money scripts truly support you in decision-making, strategy, responsibility, motivation, innovation, and finally achieving that next business goal!

Solutions for Money Status

  • Engage with journaling daily for at least two weeks - write to the specific part of you that chooses to value the opinions and perceptions of others over any personal intuition or insight. Get to know that part like a good friend who can be honest and vulnerable with you.

  • Develop a budget that is realistic but not overly restrictive. An Oat Honey Lavender Latte is delicious, and the occasional (or frequent) purchase of one can be accounted for within your budget. Budgets are about knowing where your money goes, not stripping you of all the joy in your world.

  • Depending on your situation, seeking a financial professional's support can allow you to develop clear goals and steps for your financial future, including navigating debt. Asking for help doesn’t have to be scary - look for a professional that can be empathic and kind.

  • Seek therapeutic or coaching support to help you understand and navigate the profound messages you hold about money, success, values, and your self-worth. Shame can’t live in safe spaces!

Want to learn about the other Money Scripts?



Music is such a powerful healing tool for me!

So, why not share it with you?

As a show of gratitude for being part of my community, click the Thank You! to check out a musical money mantra by one of my favorite manifestation artists Chris-n-Teeb.




Money Script: Money Vigilance


Money Script: Money Worship