Money Script: Money Avoidance

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Is Your Money Mindset Stunting Your Business Success?

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Money Avoidance Got You Stunted?


Money Avoidance, my dear entrepreneur, influences your financial thoughts and behaviors, and because of this, you may find yourself overlooking or downplaying matters related to money.

This script may have stemmed from past experiences or deep-rooted beliefs that led you to perceive money as inherently evil, causing fear and shame.

Money has often been a source of stress for you, and you worry any financial success you have will turn out negatively. While your cautious approach to spending may feel safest, be mindful that avoiding money and your relationship with it may impede your path to growth.

You deserve to have a healthier relationship with money and to make informed financial decisions. Finding the courage to face your money woes (and asking for help!) is critical in creating a positive financial environment and unlocking your immense potential for long-term prosperity.

My dear entrepreneur, your professional AND personal will benefit.


Money scripts (a term coined by Dr. Brad Klontz) are long-held, sometimes unconscious, beliefs and attitudes about money that influence our behaviors and decisions - at work and home.

Developed from your history of experiences, cultural and social conditioning, and generational messaging, each money script has both the potential to help and harm your growth and success. Unhealthy money scripts are distorted or unbalanced, leading to poor financial management, underpricing, and excessive risk-taking without considering ethical implications or personal and professional well-being.

As an entrepreneur, it is critical to excavate your relationship with money so you can realign it with healthier perspectives. Only then will your money scripts truly support you in decision-making, strategy, responsibility, motivation, innovation, and finally achieving that next business goal!

Solutions for Money Avoidance

  • Engage with journaling daily for at least two weeks - write to the specific part of you that wants to avoid. Get to know it like a good friend instead of ignoring it constantly.

  • Educate yourself on the basics of business financial management. There are plenty of helpful videos and blogs online and many coaching programs with a clear structure and goal to help you. You don’t have to learn everything, but you must understand your business well enough.

  • Establish one clear short-term goal for your business and one clear long-term goal for your business. Check-in with these regularly. Make adjustments based on what you continue to learn about your business and the resources (time, money, and energy) you have available.

  • Seek therapeutic or coaching support to help you understand and navigate the more profound messages you hold about money, success, and your capability. Shame can’t live in safe spaces!

Want to learn about the other Money Scripts?



Music is such a powerful healing tool for me!

So, why not share it with you?

As a show of gratitude for being part of my community, click the Thank You! to check out a musical money mantra by one of my favorite manifestation artists Chris-n-Teeb.




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