The Ultimate Script for Outgrowing Clients
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You’re anxious and burned out in your business — but finally ready to boldly reimagine a life you fucking love!
You relive every mess-up and mistake.
You compare yourself to others and obsess over perfection when making decisions. You limit yourself by “taking what you can get”, minimizing your presence, and downplaying recognition.
You say ‘Yes’ to way too much because you want to make everyone happy, but then you’re constantly overwhelmed and unable to make time for your wants and needs (and maybe even secretly don’t believe you deserve to anyway).
You never seem to find that contentment between striving to achieve and feeling fulfilled.
You hold very tightly onto your money — constantly checking your balances, rarely spending it on yourself, and even sometimes sticking your head in the sand to temporarily avoid feeling out of control.
You unnecessarily worry that clients will fire you at every meeting, so you often communicate with nervous, internal panic. One moment, you couldn’t be more sure of your abilities, and the next, you are questioning whether you know literally anything at all.
You have big plans and financial goals for your business, but right now, you feel frozen.
You’re irritable with the people you love the most. You can barely bring yourself to engage in hobbies outside of work you used to be passionate about. Sometimes you wish you could just be in a quiet, tidy room, completely by yourself, so you can stop feeling so damn busy and responsible all the time.
You’ve felt like a total mess for a while (maybe even longer) — like if anyone got to know the real you, how much you’re trying to hold it all together, you’d surely be exposed as a Fraud! You feel disconnected from who you really are, from the excitement of life.
You can see yourself getting in your own way, but you can’t seem to fucking stop it!
And you are confused because you’re ambitious, optimistic, and capable of persevering.
You just aren’t the confident person you used to be.
You are STUCK.

You are prepared to do the deep work, so you can…
…trust yourself again and break long-standing patterns.
…value yourself and your abilities, and stop with the internal-bullshit-interrogation.
…reclaim the confidence and certainty you buried so long ago.
…experience strength and calm in your body instead of your panic and anxiety.
…get back to the person you know you are: focused, motivated, and enthusiastic.
…be assertive and courageous in a business that provides sustainability and freedom.
…genuinely and excitedly enjoy the fruits of your efforts and success.
…have authentic, profound relationships, as your whole self, in all areas of your life.
…embrace a fulfilling work-life balance and be present in whatever you’re doing.
Oh, hey there!
It’s me, Jennifer Gray.
Licensed Professional Counselor
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
EMDR Trained-Clinician
I am a Therapist, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Collaborator, Coach, Media Contributor, Educator, and Human (she/her) with Feelings.
Deeply passionate about the intersection of entrepreneurship and mental health, I am known as an Expert in Developing Boldly Successful Businesses and Powerfully Fulfilling Personal Lives.
Having navigated the business and therapy worlds for almost 20 years collectively, I am finely tuned to the complexities financial planners and entrepreneurs experience at home and in their careers.
Being an EMDR Therapist for Entrepreneurs enables my clients to make long-term changes to the deeply painful messages developed over time that prevent them from growing with intention and living really fucking well.
Combining my counseling education with my business background allows me to specialize in a unique focus that excites my soul.
Featured In

When you work with me, you’ll go from…
Anxious to Balanced
Navigate conversations with assertive grace, so you feel at ease instead of in panic
Engage more intentionally in the moment, at work and at home
Experience reduced stress and more rest, relaxation, and freedom
Align your actions, beliefs, and goals to your values
Show up with playful authenticity in all areas of your life
Learn to ask for help from others (and be comfortable with it!)
Uncertain to Confident
Get to know yourself on a deeper, more real level
Use comparisons to your advantage instead of your downfall
Trust in yourself again and in the success of your business
Expand your presence into grander and bolder spotlights
Live as your authentic self, personally and professionally
Smash unhealthy money scripts so that you can rebuild patterns efficiently
Wanting to Fulfilled
Develop connected and enriching personal and professional relationships
Stop overly focusing on “the numbers”, and start enjoying your success without guilt or shame
Establish strong, but flexible, boundaries that support wellness
Embrace caring for yourself – really fucking well
Reignite inspiration and energy to get involved in life outside of your career
Discover a sense of purpose (besides being a Bad-Bitch in business)
Wondering If We Would Be A Good Fit?
Already Read the FAQs? Ready to Transform from Feeling Dull to Fully Shining?

EMDR Therapy for Entrepreneurs
in an Established Professional Service Business
Therapy for Established Entrepreneurs
in a Professional Service Business
Therapy for Financial Advisor Entrepreneurs
Private Firm Owners
Therapy for Financial Professional Entrepreneurs
in an Established Business
Therapy for Architect Entrepreneurs
in an Established Private Firm
Areas of Focus
You don’t have to continue “just getting by” under constant career stress and uncertainty.
You deserve to fucking shine.
I can help you gain more confidence and a deeper sense of calm, so you can have the business (and life) you dream about!
Start with the Good-Fit List to guide you in deciding whether I’m the right therapist for you.
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The Bad-Bitch in Business Blog
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